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JIŘINA BOHDALOVÁ (actress; Czechia)

Guest appearance: Saturday 6. April 2024

Jiřina Bohdalová is one of the greatest and most beloved Czech actresses. After completing elementary school in Prague's Žižkov district, she graduated from a girls' high school. Following her graduation in 1949, she worked as a teacher at a primary school in Ostrava for three years. Theater has attracted her since childhood. Immediately after graduating from DAMU (Academy of Performing Arts in Prague), she was engaged by Jan Werich at the ABC Theater.

Among her most famous films are NESMRTELNÁ TETA, FANY, DÁMA NA KOLEJÍCH, BÍLÁ PANÍ, SVĚTÁCI, and others. She has also appeared in various television series such as F. L. VĚK, CHALUPÁŘI, CIRKUS HUMBERTO, POJIŠTOVNA ŠTĚSTÍ, and recently in the television crime comedy series by Zdenek Zelenka, ACH, TY VRAŽDY!

In addition to her theatrical roles, she appears both on television and the big screen. She is a prominent narrator of children's fairy tales and bedtime stories. She has lent her voice to tales like POHÁDKY OVČÍ BABIČKY, BROUČCI, POHÁDKY Z MECHU A KAPRADÍ, RÁKOSNÍČEK, MALÁ ČARODĚJNICE, and more. By the end of 2012, her voice could be heard in a total of 148 episodes of various bedtime stories.

Throughout her career, she has been recognized with numerous awards and state honors.