KAREL JERIE (comic book writer and artist; Czechia)
Guest appearance: Friday 11th April and Saturday 12th April 2025
Karel Jerie is a Czech writer and artist. He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague between 1999 and 2005. He was initially a student in Antonín Střížek's studio from 1999 to 2001 and later continued in Michael Rittstein's studio from 2001 to 2005.
Besides painting, he is involved in comic book and illustration work. His published comics include OIDIPUS REX, published by Garamond, ŠIFRA MISTRA HANKY, with a script by Tomáš Hibi Matějíček and published by Garamond, the CANDIDE trilogy published by BBart, ČEŠI 1968: JAK DUBČEK V MOSKVĚ KAPITULOVAL, with a script by Pavel Kosatík and published by Mladá Fronta, JAN AMOS V EXILU, with a script by Denis Jerie and published by the town of Žacléř, and DOBŘÍŠSKÉ POVĚSTI 1 A 2, with a script by Martina Jerie Lukášková.
Since 2020, he has been working closely with writer Ondřej Neff, illustrating several of his books, including BARBORA A ZLATÝ ROBOT, VYNÁLEZ ZKÁZY, published by Albatros, ULTIMUS, HU, OSTROV NESMRTELNÝCH, HVĚZDA MÉHO ŽIVOTA, and ZLATÝ POMERANČ, published by Mystery Press. In 2024, he collaborated with Václav Šlajch to illustrate the Constitution of the Czech Republic and the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
In 2008, he won first prize in the professional category at the International Comics Festival in Łódź, Poland, for the comic SBOHEM, MÁ LÁSKO, with a script by Tomáš Prokůpek. In 2014, he received the Muriel Award for Best Drawing and Best Lettering for the comic CANDIDE: KRÁL BULHARŮ.
He is a member of the Czech Comics Academy and the art group NATVRDLÍ, which includes Karel Jerie, Lukáš Miffek, MICL, and Jaroslav Valečka, under the curatorial leadership of Rey Michalová.